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来源:农家参谋 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-01



【摘要】○鱼台小龙虾蒸煮后甲壳呈鲜红色,壳薄而光滑,肉质洁白细嫩,味道鲜美,是小龙虾中的精品。After the Yutai crayfish is steamed, the carapace is bright red, the sh

○鱼台小龙虾蒸煮后甲壳呈鲜红色,壳薄而光滑,肉质洁白细嫩,味道鲜美,是小龙虾中的精品。After the Yutai crayfish is steamed, the carapace is bright red, the shell is thin and smooth, the meat is white and tender, and the taste is delicious. It is a fine product in crayfish varieties.




○目前鱼台小龙虾已经形成品牌,深受顾客喜爱。At present, Yutai crayfish has formed a brand which is very popular with customers.




On June 11th, the third crayfish Festival of Yutai, China, which lasted one month, was held in Jinan and Yutai, Shandong Province,respectively. It is understood that in Yutai County, four Chinese Geographical Indications protection products have been born, namely, Yutai rice, Yutai turtle, Yutai crayfish and Yutai wood ear mushroom. Yutai County has become one of the ten strong freshwater aquaculture counties in Shandong Province.

At present, the area of crayfish culture in Yutai has reached 9,000 hectares, and the industrial output value has exceeded 1.5 billion yuan.Six rice-shrimp co-cultivation bases including Fenggu in Wanglu Town and one 666.67 hectares rice-shrimp cocultivation “Three-Industry Six-Fold Multiplier Effect” experience area in Lige Town have been developed. The new rice-shrimp co-cultivation area has reached more than 2,666.67 hectares,and the yield of crayfish per mu is 150 kilograms, which makes an increase of more than 3000 yuan per mu in income higher than the traditional rice wheat model. The crayfish industry has become a pillar industry for rural revitalization and farmers’ prosperity in Yutai County.

Next, Yutai will focus on crayfish industrialization and vigorously enhance the scale and the same time, Yutai will set a series of standards about crayfish, to achieve the promotion from making products to building culture and finally to setting up standards, and to provide inexhaustible power for rural revitalization.

文章来源:《农家参谋》 网址: http://www.njcmzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0301/641.html


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